Data use agreement – Wiko RAINBOW User Manual
Page 46

power UsB is prohibited.
The adapter shall be installed near the equipment
and shall be easily accessible.
This charger is for indoor use only, the charger type
is UD36A50100, output voltage/current is 5Vdc/1A.
’s warranty does not cover normal wear and tear
(batteries, screens, keyboards, camera lenses, etc.).
Registering your WIkO phone is a free service offered
by WIkO that allows our engineers to connect to your
phone’s physical data so that they can tell what your
model and hardware specifications are in real time.
In return, the engineers can keep you informed of up-
dates that are available for your system and warn you
in case of a recognised technical failure on a model
or series. In addition, this service allows us to alert
you instantly if there is a malfunction so that we can
provide a technical solution as soon as possible.
By registering your phone, you acknowledge that WIkO
and its engineers are able to collect, store, analyse and
use diagnostic, technical and usage data (and related
data) including, without limitation, data regarding your
WIkO device, your software system and your applica-
tions. We will collect this information on a regular ba-
sis to facilitate the provision of software updates and
product support and miscellaneous services offered to
customers (where applicable) relating to the software
on your device.
WIkO may use this information without revealing the
identity of the customer in order to offer and improve
its products or services for the user.
This service will not give us access to your content
and personal files.
You need to be connected to the mobile internet net-
Data Use Agreement