FloAire USI-FA User Manual

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area should be reasonably level and drained or ditched

to prevent accumulation of water. Fencing and lighting

for security are desirable. Roads or aisles for portable

cranes and hauling equipment are needed. Consider

the use of drift fencing to minimize accumulation of

blowing snow or dirt.

The following fans may be stored outdoors, if dry indoor

storage space is not available:

a. Fans intended for outdoor use that are crated in


b. Wall fans installed in wall housings.

All fans must be supported on wooden blocks or timbers

above water or normal snow levels. Provide enough

blocking to prevent settling into soft ground. Fans

should be set in place using the directional arrow

markings on the crate as a guide.

Locate pieces far enough apart to permit air circulation,

sunlight, and space for periodic inspection. Place all

parts on their supports so that rain water will run off, or

to minimize water accumulation. Do not cover parts

with plastic film or tarps-these cause condensation of

moisture from the air passing through heating and

cooling cycles.

Fan wheels and propellers should be blocked to prevent

spinning caused by strong winds.



Inspect fans and accessories at least once per month,

while in storage.

Log results of inspection and

maintenance performed. A typical log entry should

include the following:

a. Date

b. Inspector’s Name

c. Name of Fan

d. Location

e. Condition of Paint or Coating

f. Is moisture present?

g. Is dirt accumulated?

h. Corrective steps taken?

If moisture or dirt accumulations are found on parts, the

source should be located and eliminated. Fans should

be rotated at each inspection by hand ten to fifteen

revolutions to redistribute the motor and bearing


If paint deterioration begins, consideration should be

given to touch-up or repainting.

Fans with special

coatings may require special techniques for touch-up or


Machined parts coated with rust preventive should be

restored to good condition promptly if signs of rust

occur. The most critical items are pulleys, shafts and

bearing locking collars. At the first sign of rusting on any

of the above parts, remove the original rust preventive

coating with petroleum solvent and clean lint-free cloths.

Polish any remaining rust from surfaces with crocus

cloth or fine emery paper and oil. Do not destroy the

continuity of the surfaces. Wipe clean with lint-free

cloths and recoat surfaces evenly and thoroughly with

Tectly 506 (Ashland Oil Company) or equal. For hard to

reach internal surfaces or for occasional use, consider

using Tectly 511M Rust Preventive or WD40 or equal.


As fans are removed from storage to be installed in their

final location, they should be protected and maintained

in similar fashion, until the fan equipment goes into



1. CAUTION! This unit has rotating parts and safety

precautions should be exercised during installation,

operation and maintenance.

2. WARNING! Do not use in hazardous environments

where fan’s electrical system could provide ignition to

combustible or flammable materials, unless the unit

is specifically built for hazardous environments.

3. The fan should be mounted on a solid foundation

equipped with anchoring devices (such as anchor

bolts). Level the fan on the foundation, shimming

where necessary. Anchor the fan securely to the

foundation. If vibration isolators are used, these

should be installed between the fan and the

foundation. When mounted on suspended platforms

adequate cross bracing will be required.

4. Check pulley alignment and belt tension. Belt should

deflect ½" to 3/4" (13mm to 19mm) when depressed

by hand midpoint between pulleys.

5. CAUTION! Before proceeding, make sure electrical

service to fan is locked in “OFF” position.

6. All wiring should be in accordance with local

ordinances and the National Electric Code.

7. WARNING! Check voltage at the fan to see if it

corresponds with the motor nameplate. High or low

voltage can seriously damage the motor. Extra care

should be taken when wiring two speed motors since

improper connections will damage motor and void

motor warranty.

8. Apply power momentarily and compare the rotation

of the impeller with directional arrow on fan. In the

case of three phase motors, the direction can be

reversed by interchanging any two of the three motor

leads. In the case of single phase motors, the

reversing instructions appear on the wiring diagram

in the motor wiring compartment.

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