Before you begin, Unpacking the se-'s system, Setting up the system – Bose SE-5 User Manual

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Before You Begin ...

We would like lo thank you for purchasing ihe Bose'

AcouSimass - SE-5 speaker system. This product combines
iwo Bose technologies to create a versatile ^siem that wilt

allow you to experience the full realism and impact available
trom the most demanding sound sources. irKluding com­
pact discs. Patented Acoustimass speaker technology otters
ihe benelits ol purer sound and virtual invisihility, while

Direct/Retlecting' speaker design allows you lo hear full

balanced stereo throughout your listening room. We are
confident that these advanced technologies and the quality
construction of the SE-5 system vrill provide you v/ilh many
years ol Irouble-lree listening pleasure.

The operating principles and wiring contiguration of the SE-5

system are signiiicanily difterent from those ol conventional

speakers. This not only allows the SE-5 system lo provide

you with great sound, but also oilers placement flexibility not
available from conventional speakers. For best results, and
easy installation, please take Ihe lime to read this own­

er's guide

Please Note: The Acoustimass speaker technology used in

the SE-5 system signi(ic3nfiyK audible distortion.
Because oi this, you may be less likely to notice the distinc­
tive distorted sounds produced v/hen a speaker is driven
beyond its limits. Exercise caution when playing the SE-5
system at high volume levels.

Unpacking the SE-'S System

Alter opening Ihe carton, remove all packing material and
caretuliy lift out the components ol the SE-5 system. Save all
Ihe cartons and packing material in case the system needs
to be transported at a later time. If any of the components
appear damaged, do not attempt lo use the system
Instead, ropack the system in its original canon and notily

your authorized Bose dealer immediately.

Setting Up the System

Before you can install and adjust the ^stem's components,

lake a minute to famiiiariK yourselt with them, 'ibur system

should include:

2 Stereo largeiing^ arrays


Acoustimass' module (the larger black cabinet)

4 wires

The SE-5 system oilers many advantages not available Irom

a conventkir^al speaker system, among them, remarkable
freedom of placement. Acoustimass speaker technology
allows you lo place the Acoustimass module almost any-
v/here. even under furniture. The compact Stereo Targeting
arrays can also be positioned in your listening mom wher­
ever they create the best balance ol higher frequency sound.
Below are some guidelines lor setting up your system.

A. Seieci the locaiion wtiere you intend to place Ihe tell and

right Stereo Targeting arrays. Note lhal wires from
the arrays connect to the Acoustimass module, so you
should locate the Stereo Targeting arrays so lhal the
wires will reach the location you have chosen lor the

Note: White Ihe wires provided are adequate lor most instal

lations, you may increase the distance between the Stereo
Targeting' arrays and the Acoustimass module by splicing
in additional wire, tl you do so, use similar gauge (16 or 18
gauge) or thicker vnre, and make sure you maintain the cor­
rect phase (" -r- ’’ lo “ ’ and " to “ -"). and properly con­
nect the wires.