AquaCraft Nitro Hammer User Manual
Page 7

equipment to get wet, you must do the following
immediately: Remove the battery pack and radio equipment
from the boat. Allow the components to air dry completely
before reassembling. Reinstall the components and check for
proper operation before running the boat in water.
If you are thinking about modifying your Nitro Hammer, keep
this in mind: A tremendous amount of research and
development has gone into the Nitro Hammer with speed,
stability, maneuverability and run time as our primary
considerations. Therefore, many of the modifications that you
may try in order to increase speed will probably result in
decreased performance in other areas. We think our
combination of engine and propeller is close to optimum for
a boat of this type, so we suggest that you accept those items
without change.
Listed below are some ideas to help you “trim out” your boat
to get the best performance:
• Cut a 1" diameter hole above the carburetor. This will
improve airflow to the carb and increase top end speed.
• Wax the hull with a good quality, non-abrasive automotive
wax, such as “carnauba wax”. This will reduce the surface
tension (resistance) between the hull and the water, allowing
the boat to move faster.
• Adjust the trim plates up or down to maximize speed. There
is a fine line between fast speeds and optimum handling. If
the boat tends to “porpoise” (meaning that the nose of the
boat bobs up and down on straights), bend the trim plates
down slightly. Repeat this process until it stops.
• Sharpen the leading edge of the rudder. This will
reduce resistance.
Although it is very enjoyable to go out and run the Nitro
Hammer by yourself, we think the real fun and excitement is
experienced when you get involved in RACING!
Racing does not have to be an organized and sanctioned
competition to be fun. In fact, small informal races can be
very exciting without the stress that comes with formal events.
Here are some suggestions for setting up a simple racecourse
for boats:
• Make 2 to 4 simple and inexpensive “marker buoys” with
empty milk jugs, string and heavy objects for anchors, similar
to the above sketch.