Firmware updates/custom modes, Unit identification – AirTurn PED User Manual
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The PED supports an update protocol called OTA, (Over the
Air). Download the free AirTurn Utility app from the Apple
App store. With this app, you can check and update the latest
version of firmware for your PED.
The PED can be programmed for many different purposes and
have adjustments made for repeat delays and key repeat rates.
It is possible to have complex macros and almost any key or
key combination can be set up for your PED. For custom uses,
please contact
The unit name in your Bluetooth host consists of several codes
to help with support and identifying your specific device. For
PED v1.0.0 ABCD
v1.0.0 refers to the firmware number
ABCD refers to the MAC address.
This is helpful if there are many PED units in the same
location. Your MAC address will always be the same so you
can easily identify your unit. You will find your specific MAC
address labeled on the bottom of your PED at the end of the
serial number.