1 introduction – Brauner Microphones VM1S User Manual

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Thank you for purchasing this original Brauner microphone and
thus supporting a part of the world famous German craftmenship
and our love for quality, detail, precision and persisting values. Our
microphones go to the full extent of what is physically possible to-
day to achieve unparalleled results.

To reach this high level of perfection only best components are
carefully selected, assembled and calibrated to become these won-
derful works of art and sound. Even though this is a time-consu-
ming and costly process, it ensures the quality of our microphones
in a way industrial mass production could never do. As our goal is
to offer the best micophones money can buy, we will not make any
compromises for the sake of our products‘ quality. Thus a Brauner
microphone is not only a professional and reliable tool for your daily
work but also a lifetime investment.

According to our company‘s philosophy we try to think of sound re-
cording as an art rather than a technical method. For this reason we
build and develope our microphones not just as pure technical but
also artistic tools. Of course, one emphasis of our work is reaching
the best physical limits (e.g. extremely low self noise, highest pos-
sible dynamic range and proper impulse response), but the most
important, as we believe, is the sound.

As „sound“ cannot be entirely evaluated with audio measurement
capabilities given today, a very important part of building our
microphones is a severe listening test. Not one microphone will
leave our factory unless it has passed tests by the critical and un-
forgiving ears of our engineers who do not tolerate the smallest
deviation from our high standards.

This approach has created the enormous reputation and esteem
Brauner products have become famous for. A reputation we feel
deeply committed to.

We would like to wish you success and enjoyment with your new
microphone into which we have put all our experience and know-
ledge and which will surely accompany you during your work for
many, many years.

The VM1 was the fulfillment of Dirk Brauner’s dream to build his vi-
sion of the perfect sounding tube microphone. A microphone that
captures the spirit of the classic vintage tube microphones and at
the same time, meets the high technical standards of today’s mo-
dern microphones.

The VM1S is the stereo version of the VM1. It is currently, without
doubt, the most intricate of all Brauner microphones. It unites two
identical VM1 microphones, precisely matched to each other, in a
single housing. It is a design that answers every wish of a stereo

1.1 Introduction