Delay controls – Audio Damage Discord3 Upgrade User Manual

Page 9

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The SHIFT LEFT and SHIFT RIGHT controls change the amount that the pitch of the incoming signal is raised or
lowered. The value in the display indicates the amount of pitch shift, expressed in cents or hundredths of a
semitone. A positive shift amount increases (or sharpens) the pitch of the signal, while a negative amount
decreases (or flattens) it. For example, a shift value of +1200 raises the signal’s pitch by one octave, and a

value of -700 lowers it a fifth. The SHIFT controls have a range of ±3600.

When mode P1 or P2 is active, the BUFFER LEFT and BUFFER RIGHT controls vary the size of the delay
buffers used to create the pitch-shifting effect. Changing the buffer size allows you to tailor Discord’s shifting
process to work well with your source material. Larger buffers will generally create a smoother-sounding pitch
shift but may blur the attack transients of drums and other sharp sounds.

When mode Gr is active, the DURATION and INTERVAL controls adjust Discord’s granular processors. The
DURATION control sets the length of each sound grain, in milliseconds (thousands of a second). The
INTERVAL control sets the spacing between the beginning of one grain and the next, also in milliseconds.
Each control can have a dramatic influence on Discord’s sound. Try adjusting both controls to produce a
smooth shifting sound or special effects. If the duration setting is about the same as or less than the interval
setting, the grains will no longer overlap and you’ll hear them as separate sounds. As you increase the interval
the grains will overlap and discord’s output will become smoother.

The chaos control applies a variable amount of randomization to the granular process. Click and drag to the
right in the area below the word “Chaos” to increase the amount of randomization. The chaos control
randomly varies the duration, interval, and pitch of the sound grains. As a side-effect it also creates panning
effects since the left and right granular processors are randomized independently.

2. Delay Controls

The DELAY LEFT and DELAY RIGHT controls change the amount that the pitch-shifted signals are delayed in
relation to the original (dry) signal. Each delay has a range of 0 to 1999 msec, or approximately two seconds.

The numeric delay controls operate either in units of time or in metrical units, that is, fractions of a beat. Click
on the unit indicators in the upper-right corner of the controls (i.e. the words “ms” and “sync”) to switch
between the two modes.

If the SYNC mode is active, Discord uses the current tempo reported by
your host to calculate its delay time. In this mode the delay time control
sets the delay length in metrical units. The range of values is 1/32



1/1 (a whole measure), with dotted and triplet times available. Triplet

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