Rp-wh20 – Panasonic RP WH20 User Manual

Page 8

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Do not play your headphones or earphones at a
high volume. Hearing experts advise against

continuous extended play.

If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce

volume or discontinue use.

Handle the AC adaptor carefully. Improper han­

dling is dangerous.

©Do not touch it with wet hands.
©Do not place heavy objects on top of it.
©Do not forcibly bend it.

Be sure to connect only the AC adaptor provided

with the unit.

Disconnect the AC adaptor from the power outlet

if the unit is not going to be used for a long time.

You should use extreme caution or temporarily

discontinue use in potentially hazardous situa­

Even if your headphones or earphones is an

open-air type designed to let you hear outside
sounds, don’t turn up the volume so high that you

can’t hear what’s around you.

Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing
“comfort level” adapts to higher volumes of
sound. So what sounds “normal” can actually be

loud and harmful to your hearing.
Guard against this by setting your equipment at a

safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts.

To establish a safe level:

©Start your volume control at a low setting,

©Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it

comfortably and clearly, and without distortion.

Once you have established a comfortable sound

©Set the dial and leave it there.


The serial number of this product can be
found on the label under the right ear pad.

Please note them in the space provided
below and keep as a permanent record of

your purchase to aid identification in the
event of theft.



SERIAL NUMBER_____________________

No altering or remodeling

This can cause malfunctioning.

No dropping or strong impacts


damage the unit.

Locations to be avoided

Avoid using the unit in the following locations
since they can cause malfunctioning.

1. Bathrooms and other moisture-prone places

2. Warehouses and other dusty places
3. Very hot places near heating appliances, etc.

Do not leave the unit exposed to direct sun-

light for long periods of time.

This may deform or discolor the cabinet and may

also cause malfunctioning.

To avoid product damage, do not expose this

product to rain, water or other liquids.