Panasonic KX-E3000 User Manual

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Congrandütions! You иге about to enter the exciting world of electronic

typing with one of the most advanced electronic typewriters available

Your Panasonic typewriter has been designed to help you prepare your

typing projects as simply and efficiently as possible.

Many of your tedious typing tasks may now be performed quickly and

automatically. By reading through the manual, you will learn how to
operate all of the functions which will help you on a day-to-day basis.

it is important that you read this manual and do the exercises, !t has been

designed to teach you every function your Panasonic typewriter has to
offer. Once you have completed this manual, you will find how much
easier it will be to do some of your daily typing projects.

Take the time to learn everything you can about your new typewriter. We

are convinced you will find typing much more interesting and your finished

projects cleaner, more professional looking, and much easier to do.

We hope you enjoy using your Panasonic typewriter and are confident you
will have many years of reliability ahead of you.