Using the touch pad, Work surface, Right button left button – Panasonic TOUGHBOOK CF-47 User Manual

Page 14: Original mode, Scrolling up/down, Scrolling side-to-side, Changing the mode of the touch pad, Handling the touch pad, Starting up/shutting down

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starting Up/Shutting Down

Using the Touch Pad

Use the touch pad to move the cursor on the display and perform normal computer operations.
For instructions on how to handle the touch pad, refer to page 15.

The touch pad has the following two modes of operation.

Work Surface

Right Button

Left Button

Microsoft® intelUMouse™ Wheel Mode

(Setting at the time of purchase)

Wheel mode operations (almost identical to

the case of using the Micro.soft® IntclliMouse™
for scroll, zoom, etc., operations) are possible
for Microsoft® wheel function-compatible ap­

Microsoft® IntelliMouse™ is a mouse-type de­

vice that, in addition to the two conventional

buttons, incorporates a wheel able to rotate


Scrolling Area

j—Scrolling up/down

For the Pan and Auto Scroll function.s, the entire

work .surface of the touch pad can be used for .scroll­


Original Mode

Only scroll operation is possible for appli­
cations not compatible with the Microsoft®
wheel function.

Even for applications compatible with the
Microsoft® wheel function, there are cases

where only vertical scrolling or only hori­
zontal scrolling is possible in this mode.

Scrolling Area

-¡— Scrolling up/down

Possible when a check mark

is added for [Vertical].

Scrolling side-to-side

Possible when a check mark


is added for I Horizontal].

□ : Typical mouse operations use this area.

When no check mark is added for [IntelliMouse Wheel mode], [Horizontal] and [Verti­
cal] of [Scroll Configuration], the entire surface can be used for typical mouse opera­



When you are not sure whether an application is compatible with the Microsoft® wheel
function or not, try using both modes. Furthermore, depending on the application, there are
cases where scrolling may not be possible with either mode.



Changing the mode of the touch pad


Select Q from the taskbar or select [Motion] in [Start] - [Settings] - [Control Panel] -


2 •

To set the Microsoft® IntelliMouse™ Wheel mode

Add the check mark


for [ Wheel mode] of [Scroll Configuration).

• To set the original mode

Delete the check mark for [IntelliMouse Wheel mode] of [Scroll Configuration] and

add the check mark ’Z for IHorizontalj and/or (Vertical).


Press [OK].

Handling the Touch Pad

Do not place any object on the work surface or press down forcefully with sharp-pointed

objects (i.e. nails), hard objects or objects that can leave marks (i.e. pencils and ball point

Do not allow things that could dirty the touch pad, such as oil. The cursor may not work

properly in such cases.


When the touch pad becomes dirty;

Wipe to remove dirty areas by using a dry soft cloth such as gauze or a soft cloth first applied
with detergent diluted with water and then thoroughly wrung.

Do not use benzene or thinner, or disinfectant-type alcohol.

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