Waukesha Bearings CQ Tilting Pad Thrust Bearings User Manual

Cq tilting pad thrust bearings

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CQ Tilting Pad Thrust Bearings

Installation and Maintenance Instructions

1. Introduction

The following notes provide installation and assembly instructions for Waukesha
Bearings CQ tilting pad thrust bearings.

Reference should be made to the specific contract drawing for operational information
and special features which may be provided.

2. General Description

The Waukesha Bearings CQ bearing is shown in Fig 1, and reference is made to this
drawing in the following comments.

The CQ tilting pad thrust bearing consists of a number of thrust pads (item 2)
supported in a cage ring (item 1). Each pad is loosely retained by pad stops (item 3)
so that each pad is free to tilt and it is supported on a system of levers (item 7) to
equalise load sharing between the pads. A screw held spacer plate (item 8) is fixed to
the back face of the cage ring, securing the levers within the cage ring.