A warning – Craftsman 486.24717 User Manual

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Read Owner's Manual and all safety labels on machine before starting and using machine.
Do Not remove top cover or attempt to empty contents of cart while engine is running.
Do Not stand behind cart in exhaust discharge area while engine is running.
Keep hands, feet, face, long hair and clothing out of chipper inlet, vac inlet, and discharge

area. There are ROTATING BLADES inside these openings.
Wear approved safety glasses and gloves. Avoid loose fitting clothes.

Keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularly small children and pets.
Keep all shields and guards (e.g. upper chipper chute extension, discharge chute, nozzle

assembly) in place and securely attached.
Check discharge boot frequently for wear. Replace if worn or damaged.
If unit becomes clogged or jammed, shut off engine right away. Do Not attempt to clear
clog or Jam with engine running.
Muffler and engine get hot and can cause burns. Do Not Touch. To avoid a fire hazard,

keep leaves, grass and other combustible debris off hot muffler and engine.
Do Not attempt to remove or attach vac nozzle or optional Hose Kit with engine running.
Do Not operate unit unless nozzle or optional Hose Kit is secured in place.
Do Not fill gas tank while engine is running. Allow engine to cool at least 2 minutes
before refueling.


This unit is equipped with an internai combustion engine and shouid not be used on or near unimproved forest-covered, or
grass-covered iand uniess the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark arrester meeting appiicabie iocai or state

iaws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it shouid be maintained in effective working order by the operator.

In the State of California the above is required by iaw (Section 4442 of the Caiifornia Pubiic Resources Code). Other

states may have simiiar iaws. Fédérai iaws appiy on fédérai iands. A spark arrester muffler is avaiiabie at your nearest
engine authorized service center.

Call 1 -866-576-8388 for missing parts or assembly help