Setting locks and limits (locks & limits), Using the locks & limits display, Highlight and select "edit – Sony SAT-A50 User Manual

Page 53: Setting locks and limits, Locks & limits), Using the locks 8i limits display

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Setting Locks and Limits (LOCKS & LIMITS)

Spending Limit

Sets a maximum limit on
charges per event.

Rating Limit

Sets a maximum limit on
rated content.

Pay Per View

Locks or unlocks access to
pay per view programs.

Station Locks

Locks or unlocks access to

specific stations.


You must lock the receiver before

any locks or limits take effect (see
page 57).

Using the Locks & Limits Display

The Locks & Lintits feature gives you control over access to your Digital

Satellite Receiver. You can restrict program viewing by cost, ratings, and
station. You can also set a lock to prevent the ordering of pay per view

Press the MENU button, then highlight and

select "LOCKS & LIMITS".

The Locks & Limits display appears.

Highlight and select "Edit".

The Locks & Limits edit display appears.
The following pages describe how to change the settings for each
of these items.


Opens the passcode pop-up.
You must enter your passcode

to lock the receiver.


Opens the passcode pop-up

for unlocking your receiver.


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