Folded trailer warning pinch point warning, Warning – Craftsman 0220 User Manual
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Folded Trailer Warning
Pinch Point Warning
Coupler, load Weight and distribution and electrical
Loads can suddenly move or topple, which can result in death or serious injury.
Overloaded trailers and improper tongue weight can result in loss of control of the
trailer. Ensure the trailer is coupled correctly and the chains are crossed over each other.
Ensure the load is tied securely and doesn’t exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW).
Ensure the electrical connections are tightly fitted and functioning properly. Always
check brake lights and turn signals before each tow.
Always use the
Hand Crank
when folding
and deploying
Trailer. Ensure
others keep a safe
distance to avoid
any potential
pinch points.
You can store
the Trailer in
folded position,
but do NOT tow
the Trailer while
it’s folded. The
Trailer may tip
over resulting in
property damage,
serious injury or
Trailer while in
folded position.
Failure to heed this
warning may void
warranty and could
result in property
damage, serious
injury or death.
Part #1024837
Trailer while in
folded position.
Failure to heed this
warning may void
warranty and could
result in property
damage, serious
injury or death.
Part #1024837
Re-order #1031540
Part #1025112
Watch for pinch
points while
folding or
deploying trailer
as serious injury
could occur.
Uncoupling will cause trailer to come loose from tow vehicle. You must:
1. ChECk that ball load rating is same or greater than coupler load rating.
2. ChECk that ball size is same as coupler.
3. ClosE CoUplER ClAmp on ball.
4. lIfT coupler upwards to test that it will not separate from ball.
5. loCk coupler clamp with pin or padlock.
Attach hooks to tow vehicle
Always use safety chains.
Chains hold trailer if connection fails. You must:
1. CRoss chains underneath coupler.
2. AlloW slack for trailer to turn.
3. ATTACh chain hooks securely to tow vehicle frame.
Enough slack
for turns
El desenganche hará que el remolque quede suelto del vehículo remolcador. Usted deberá:
1. VERIfICAR que la CApACIDAD DE CARGA de la bola sea igual o mayor que la
CApACIDAD DE CARGA del enganche.
2. VERIfICAR que el tamaño de la bola sea igual que el enganche.
3. CERRAR el ToRNIllo DEAjUsTE DEl ENGANChE sobre la bola.
4. lEVANTAR el enganche para probar que no se separe de la bola.
5. CERRAR el tornillo de ajuste del enganche con un gancho o candado.
Utilice siempre cadenas de seguridad. las cadenas
sostienen el remolque en caso de que la conexión falle.
Usted deberá:
1. CRUzAR las cadenas por debajo del enganche.
2. pERmITIR que las cadenas queden flojas para que
el remolque pueda girar.
3. sUjETAR de forma segura los ganchos de la
cadena a los bordes del vehículo remolcador.
flojo para poder
Cruzar las cadenas
Una carga impropia puede causar que el remolque se tambalee o que
repentinamente pierda el control. Usted deberá:
• Asegurar que el peso de la carga más el peso del remolque no exceda la
capacidad del remolque (Clase de peso del Vehículo).
• Cargar los elementos más pesados en la parte delantera de las ruedas.
• Cargar de forma equitativa de lado a lado.
• Asegurar la carga al remolque.
sujetar los ganchos al vehículo remolcador
Cross chains
lights can prevent trailer from being hit by other vehicles.
You must:
1. CoNNECT trailer and tow vehicle electrical connectors.
2. ChECk all lights: tail lights, turn signals, and brake lights.
3. Do NoT ToW if lights are not working.
las luces pueden prevenir que otros vehículos choquen el
remolque. Usted deberá:
1. CoNECTAR los conectores eléctricos del remolque y del
vehículo remolcador.
2. VERIfICAR todas las luces, las luces traseras, las luces
de guiño, y las luces del freno.
3. No UTIlICE El REmolqUE si las luces no funcionan.
Improper loading can cause trailer sway and sudden loss of control. You must:
• Ensure weight of load plus trailer weight does not exceed trailer’s capacity
(GVWR - Gross Vehicle Weight Rating).
• load heavier items in front of wheels.
• load evenly side to side.
• secure load to trailer.
less load in rear
secure load to trailer
Balance load side to side
Asegurar la carga
al remolque
Balancear la carga de lado a lado
menos carga sobre la
parte posterior de las
más carga sobre la parte delantera de las ruedas
more load in front of wheels
pin or padlock
In place
lift coupler to check
Colocar el candado o
Levantar el enganche para verificar