Kessler MOTION CONTROL: Revolution Pan and Tilt Head System (iOS) User Manual
Revolution reference guide, Crane installation, Slider installation
REvolution REfEREncE GuidE
The Kessler REVOLUTION Pan and Tilt System is our answer to the
need for an affordable, quality motorized pan & tilt head. After years of
development, we have produced a motorized head that addresses the
failings of other pan / tilt heads in this price range. When paired with the
ORACLE Controller, we feel the REVOLUTION is the most feature rich and
best motorized head solution on the market, for under $5000.
cRAnE inStAllAtion
The REVOLUTION can be easily
mounted to any of the Kessler Crane
kits. Both upright and under-slung
configurations are possible.
Locate the four (4) stainless steel
bolts, four (4) wing nuts, and eight
(8) washers included with the
REVOLUTION installation kit.
Secure the crane or have someone
assist while installing. If installing by
yourself, lower the crane all the way
to the ground to prevent drops.
Align the 4 hole bolt pattern on the
crane’s camera sling to the bottom of
Insert a bolt with washer through the
four holes and secure on other side
with wing nut and another washer.
Tighten all four bolts securely and
check all connections on the crane to
assure a solid mount.
If desired, the camera sling on the
crane can be flipped for under-
slinging the REVOLUTION. Follow the
same installation procedure as above
to mount to an under-slung crane
camera cradle.
SlidER inStAllAtion
The REVOLUTION can be mounted to
the Kessler CineSlider systems for a
third axis of movement.
Mount the CineSlider to a Hercules
head or attach outrigger feet
(as shown) before installing the
REVOLUTION head to prevent the
slider from tipping.
Locate the four (4) 3/4” stainless steel
bolts and four (4) washers.
Align the four corner holes on the
base of the REVOLUTION to the
corresponding holes on the slider
Insert a bolt with washer through the
four holes and secure.
3/4” length bolts only as longer
bolts may hit and damage the
Tighten all four bolts securely
and check all connections before
mounting camera equipment.
uSinG tHE optionAl vERticAl
AdjuStmEnt kit
This upgrade kit allows for vertical
adjustment of the camera mounting
platform on the Revolution Head. Use
this when the center of gravity of the
camera needs to be adjusted.
With your camera securely mounted
to the Revolution head, loosen the the
two knobs on the vertical adjustment
Raise or lower the camera as
necessary to center the body with the
rotational access of the Revolution
Once aligned, tighten the two knobs
to hold vertical position in place.
SHuttlE pod inStAllAtion
The REVOLUTION can be mounted
to the Kessler ShuttlePod systems for
longer sliding shots.
Locate four (4) 3/4” stainless steel
bolts and four (4) washers.
Align the four corner holes on
the base of the REVOLUTION to
the corresponding holes on the
ShuttlePod cart.
Insert a bolt with washer through the
four holes and secure.
Tighten all four bolts securely
and check all connections before
mounting camera equipment.
connEctinG tHE oRAclE
The ORACLE is required for operating
the REVOLUTION head. It can be used
for both live motion control and time
lapse control.
Attach the included splitter and
cat5 cable to the two (2) motor drive
cables on the REVOLUTION head.
Plug the other end of the cat5 cable
into an ORACLE controller.
Power up the ORACLE and select
“Head Unit” from the startup screen.
Reference the ORACLE user manual
for detailed operation information.