Kenco Engineering Microswitch Repair Kit User Manual
Kenco engineering company

P.O. BOX 470426 TULSA, OK 74147-0426
PHONE: (918) 663-4406 FAX: (918) 663-4480
A note about replacing the switch in the KEFS Liquid Level Float Switch. The KEFS switch is
magnetically operated. There is a magnet in the Float Assembly that reacts with a magnet in the Switch
Assembly to operate the switch (See installation instructions for more details). These magnets come in a
matched set, and cannot be exchanged with magnets from another Switch Assembly. It is also very important
that the magnet in the Switch Assembly not be adjusted or tampered with in any way. This magnet is part of
the Lever Arm Assembly. The Lever Arm Assembly must be reused with the new Switch Assembly. If you feel
there is a problem with the Lever Arm Assembly or the magnetic adjustment of your switch, return it to the
factory for repair. KENCO ENGINEERING recommends that all KEFS switches be sent back to the factory for
switch replacement. We also understand that many times this is not practical or even possible. If care is used
and the position of the magnet in the Lever Arm Assembly is not disturbed the switch may be replaced in the
field using the following procedure:
To replace the switch in your KEFS, first disconnect any power to the switch and then remove the
Switch Cover. Disconnect the wires from the terminal block. Remove the two socket head cap screws and lock
washers retaining the Switch Assembly and gently pull the Switch Assembly out of the KEFS Switch Body.
Next remove the Pivot Pin Retaining Screw and the Pivot Pin and carefully remove the Lever Arm Assembly.
(Note: do not tamper with the magnet in the Lever Arm Assembly! Doing so will change the factory adjustment
of the matched magnet pair in the KEFS and it will need to be sent back to the factory for recalibration.)
Reinstall the Lever Arm Assembly in the new Switch Assembly. This is done by angling the Lever Arm
Assembly into the Switch Assembly. When properly positioned, the Lever Arm Assembly will easily slide into
place. Insert the new Pivot Pin. Carefully screw in the Pivot Pin Retaining Screw. Make sure the Pivot Pin
Retaining Screw goes into the hole in the Lever Arm Assembly. Install the Switch Assembly into the KEFS
Switch Body and retain it with the new screws and lock washers. If the Float is accessible, cycle it by hand to
make sure the switch actuates properly with no binding. If it is not, than push on the tab on the back of the
Lever Arm Assembly to be sure it operates smoothly with no binding. The KEFS is ready to be reinstalled and
put back into service.
(Note: Some early model of the KEFS used a Clevis Pin and Hitch Pin to retain the Lever Arm assembly. If this
is the case with your KEFS, you will not be able to use the Pivot Pin with the Pivot Pin Retaining Screw since
the Lever Arm in these early units did not have the hole for the Retaining Screw. If you have one of these
early units simply discard the Pivot Pin and Pivot Pin Retaining Screw included in the kit and reuse the Clevis
Pin and Hitch Pin.)
(58796 Rev B)