Warning – Bard Series Combination Gas/Electric Wall-Mount WG3S User Manual
Page 9

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Possible Emergency
: Smelling gas or other
unfamiliar smell; or not knowing what may be
wrong or what to do about it.
ACTION: For your safety –
a. Leave your house or building immediately.
b. Go to a neighbor’s or another building.
c. Use their telephone.
d. Call your gas supplier. Tell them you smell
gas and give them your name and address.
e. If you cannot reach gas supplier, call fire
Possible Emergency
: Your thermostat is set
below room temperature; yet even though the
blower is on, the air coming from your room
registers continually gets hotter.
a. Turn room thermostat to its lowest or OFF
b. If you can do so safely, turn gas off. Use
manual shut-off valve at gas meter or on
propane (LP) gas tank. You may need a
wrench or tools. If you can safely turn off
electricity at the main circuit panel, do so.
If you cannot do these things safely, leave
your home or building immediately. Call
your gas supplier or fire department from a
neighbor’s phone for help.
Possible Emergency
: Your thermostat is set
above room temperature. The blower is on but
the air coming from your room registers is hot,
then cold, then hot, then cold in a continuing
cycle. This condition indicates lack of airflow
through furnace.
a. Make sure air filter is clean and installed
b. Check that registers and return air grilles are
open and unobstructed.
c. If condition continues, call your local
qualified service technician or gas supplier.
Possible Emergency
: While furnace is operating,
you smell unfamiliar odors that go away when
furnace is off.
a. Turn thermostat to its lowest or OFF setting.
b. Move gas valve control knob to OFF position.
c. If blower is not operating, immediately turn
off electricity to furnace using shut-off
device near furnace or at main circuit panel.
d. If blower is operating, wait five minutes for
furnace to cool down and then turn off
electricity to furnace using shut-off device
near furnace or at main circuit panel.
e. Call your local qualified service technician
or gas supplier.
Three important
things not to do
1. Don’t try to light any gas appliances.
2. Don’t touch any electrical switches
3. Don’t use the telephone in your house or
Any of the above may cause a spark, which
could cause a fire or explosion resulting in
damage, personal injury or death.
If gas or electricity is off due to an
emergency, only a qualified installer,
service agency or gas supplier should turn
it back on. Doing it yourself could result in
damage, injury or death.
Unfamiliar odors may mean gas or
aldehydes are present which could result in
damage, injury or death.