Bird Technologies 434 Series User Manual

Mini autoquad, Tower top amplifier system, 434 mission critical series

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Mini AutoQuad


Tower Top Amplifier System

434 Mission Critical Series

Bird, TX RX Systems brand, Auto Quad Tower-Top Amplifier ( TTA) system is a high performance,
quadrature-coupled low noise amplifier (LNA). The TTA increases receive sensitivity, reduces transmit
signal interference and can make all the difference in Mission Critical Communications.

The TTA operates independently, monitoring LNA current and automatically switching to a redundant
LNA if needed. Status reporting is accomplished via AISG compliant telemetry between the controlling
processor in the Tower Box and the base control unit. The base control unit has an on board AISG
modem device which does not require the use of an external data cable. This telemetry does not
interfere with RF Signals in any way and communicates the LNA currents, temperature and operational
status to the base control unit LCD display. Test modes and manual switching between LNA’s is also
accomplished by way of the telemetry system.

The TTA consists of two components: the tower top amplifier mounted close to the antenna and the
control unit. The control unit is available in two styles, either with or without a receiver multicoupler.
In order to reduce the size of the TTA and simultaneously provide 120 dB of isolation of a TX carrier,
filtering has been split between the TTA and the base unit.

Industry leading TTA amplifier linearity guarantees superior immunity to intermodulation interference.



All tower top ports protected by internal surge suppressors.


Two independent quadrature coupled LNA's in the tower
top assembly provides redundancy. Microprocessors
continuously monitor amplifiers and will switch tower top
LNA's when needed to ensure the maximum uptime.


At a glance status reporting and form-C contact switching

intiated when alarm detected.


Wind loading is reduced due to the small enclosure size.


Available with a 16 Port Receive Multicoupler or a Control

Monitoring Unit.


Receive Multicoupler Expansion Kits also available.


The TTA is designed to increase the performance of a Base
Transceiver Station (BTS) while ensuring reliable communications
for critical Public Safety applications. This increase in sensitivity
can make up for the imbalance between mobile and handheld
users in critical systems.

TX RX Systems Brand

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