GreenGuard XPS Insulation Board as WRB User Manual

GreenGuard For Home

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1. General

GreenGuard Insulation Board (CM, SL) and GreenGuard Insulative Sheathings (CM,SLX, PLYGOOD, PLYGOOD
Ultra) are extruded polystyrene products that can be used as water-resistive barriers in lieu of housewraps and building
paper. The GreenGuard are recognized for use as water-resistive barriers in ICC Evaluation Services Report ESR-2136
when they are installed in accordance with the following guidelines:

Residing Applications Over Existing Siding

When installing GreenGuard Insulation Boards and GreenGuard Insulative Sheathings over an existing exterior wall in
which the existing cladding will not be removed, the existing wall assembly is already providing weather protection.
Since there are no code provisions that require that an additional WRB be installed over an existing wall, the GreenGuard
Insulation Boards and GreenGuard Insulative Sheathings can be installed using steps 1 through 3 as described below.

New Construction Applications or Residing Applications After Removal of Existing Siding

In new construction applications or residing applications where there is no housewrap or building paper covering the
wood sheathing, GreenGuard Insulation Boards and GreenGuard Insulative Sheathings can be used in lieu of the code-
required WRB when they are installed as described below:

Step 1: Begin by aligning the insulation or sheathing boards with the bottom edge of the wall. When installing the insulation or sheathing boards

vertical joints must occur over framing members, blocking or wood sheathing. Horizontal joints may be unbacked. If installed directly
over studs, the studs must be spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center.

Step 2: Attach the insulation or sheathing boards using 1 ½ inch long ring shank nails with a 1 inch diameter plastic cap spaced 16 inches on center

around the perimeter of the wall and along vertical framing members. Nails should penetrate the framing members a minimum of ¾ inch.
Care must be taken not to overdrive nails, since this may result in moisture leakage in areas where the damage extends completely through
the product. Damaged areas should be repaired using GreenGuard Contractor Sheathing/Housewrap Tape.

Step 3: Trim the insulation or sheathing boards at all window and door openings and at wall penetrations so that gaps are minimized. At pipe and

other small penetrations, gaps should be sealed using a silicone sealant or an expanding spray foam sealant. Contact Pactiv for a list of

Step 4: All vertical and horizontal seams of the insulation or sheathing boards

must be sealed using GreenGuard Contractor Sheathing/Housewrap Tape
or GreenGuard Flashing (minimum 2 inch wide strips). As an alternative,
a “Z-furring” horizontal seam treatment may be constructed using 16 inch
wide strips of GreenGuard Housewrap sealed to the GreenGuard insulation
or sheathing boards as shown

Step 5: Install GreenGuard Flashing, GreenGuard Butyl Flashing or GreenGuard SuperStretch self-adhering flashings at window openings by first

installing the sill flashing followed by installation of the window in accordance with the window manufacturer’s installation instructions.
Then install the jamb flashing so that it overlaps the sill flashing and then install the head flashing so that it overlaps the jamb flashing. For
additional window flashing options, refer to the “GreenGuard Residential Installation Guide”

Compliance: Go to for the most current product and compliance information.

WARNING: Foam plastic insulation will ignite if exposed to fire of sufficient heat and intensity. Protect foam insulation from exposure to open
flame or ignition sources during shipment, storage, and installation.



Installation Instructions For GreenGuard® Insulation Board and

Insulative Sheathing Products Used as

Water-Resistive Barriers (WRBs)

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