AiM SmartyCam GP HD ver 1.00 User Manual
Page 39

You can now select the file “Gpk”, contai-
ning the GPS map of your track session.
Select the proper file, carefully checking
name, date and time of the files.
The shape of the track will appear, split in
different laps of the test. It is possible to
scroll through the different laps, to zoom,
to rotate the drawing.
After having selected the desired lap, push
“OK” to save the image of that lap.
That image will be used as a reference
shape for the future.
finish line coordinates are automatically
calculated but can be modified as desired
in one of the following ways:
Define the coordinate by hand (1) Position
the cursor on the desired point of the track
and click the pushbutton “Cursor Pos” (2)
In case of a point-to-point track, it is neces-
sary to define the coordinates of the star-
ting and finish line.
Push “OK” for saving the configuration.
SMARTYCAM HD MANUALE ENG _Layout 1 24/07/13 21.01 Pagina 40