Cardiris – I.R.I.S. IRIScan Anywhere 2 for Windows User Manual
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© Copyright 2010 I.R.I.S. s.a./n.v.
All rights reserved for all countries. I.R.I.S., I.R.I.S.’ product names, I.R.I.S.’ logos and I.R.I.S.’ product logos are I.R.I.S. trademarks.
All other products and names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks from their respective owners.
Open Cardiris and Go to Settings > Recognize after
scanning. You will only have to do this once.
Go to File > Load Card Images… It will tell you that new
cards have been detected and take you to this window
where you can select the desired cards.
The cards will open in the software and the text will be
extracted. You will want to double click on the cards and
verify the information, making any needed corrections.
Note the Delete business card images after loading check
box which will delete the card images from the hardware
after opening the images in the software.
There are two main views within the software, Album and Card. Album is all the Cards and Card the individual
business card. In addition to the normal contact information you can assign categories and custom fields.
You can export to a variety of formats and contact managers. Click on the Export button and highlight your preferred
output and use the Configure button, if available, to view relevant options.
For more information download the Cardiris Getting Started Guide from this link.