I.R.I.S. IRIScan Anywhere 2 for Mac User Manual

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All rights reserved for all countries. I.R.I.S., I.R.I.S.’ product names, I.R.I.S.’ logos and I.R.I.S.’ product logos are I.R.I.S. trademarks.
All other products and names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks from their respective owners.


Open the Cardiris software and click on the Open button on the left toolbar and navigate to the drive on the
desktop which contains the business cards scanned with the IRIScan Anywhere. To select all the images, single
click on the first then hold down the shift key and select the last. To select specific images single click on the first
and hold the CTRL key while selecting the ones you want and then click on open

The software will immediately recognize and place the text beneath the card image in the available contact fields.
Make any corrections and click on the Save All or Save Selected to save the cards to the Address Book.

To export the cards to another format or application click on the format button to the right of Export (vCard
pictured) and select the format and options. Shown are the available options. Unicode is the same as text.

Click on Export to process.

For more information see the Cardiris Getting Started Guide available on our website.