Special situations, Fever facts – Braun ThermoScan IRT 3020 User Manual
Page 13

Special situations
The Braun ThermoScan thermometer has been shown in clinical
studies to obtain accurate temperatures on persons of all ages.
However, there are certain situations when the ear thermometer
should not be used. These include but may not be limited to the
following situations.
• If there is blood or drainage in the external ear canal.
• For persons who have deformities of the face and ear canal
where the probe of the thermometer cannot be inserted fully into
the ear canal.
• For persons wearing hearing aids or ear plugs, remove the device
and wait 20 minutes prior to taking a temperature.
• Use the untreated ear if prescription ear drops or other ear medi-
cations have been placed in the ear canal.
Never attempt to clean inside ears. You could damage the ear drum
or surrounding tissues. You should remove excess ear wax only
when you can reach it with a wash cloth. If you suspect that you or
your child has excess ear wax, consult your physician.
Fever facts
Many persons may not have an elevated temperature even when
they are ill. These include, but are not limited to infants under
90 days of age, persons taking steroids, antibiotics or antipyretics
(acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin), persons with compromised
immune systems, including the elderly or persons with some chro-
nic illnesses. Consult your physician if you feel an illness is present
even if there may not be an elevated temperature.
Fever is described as an elevation of body temperature over an
individual’s «normal» temperature.
An elevated temperature or fever is often viewed as a danger sign.
In fact, a fever can be very beneficial, and helps our immune
system work more effectively. A fever should be evaluated in the
light of other physical symptoms. With the exception of newborn
infants, the presence of fever, without any other symptoms of ill-
ness, or in a child who is behaving normally may not be cause for
concern. On the other hand, a physician should be consulted in the
following situations:
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- changes in appetite, activity or breathing, or
- with children who are irritable, lethargic or unusually sleepy.
6012136_IRT_3000_NA 28.10.2005 8:20 Uhr Seite 13