Avital Diablo 2 User Manual
Page 4

Re mote Con trol Door Lock Ca pa bil ity
— Allows you to lock and
unlock your doors without using your key (may require optional relays).
User Pro gram ma ble Pas sive Door Lock ing
— Allows you to
program the system to automatically lock the doors every time the alarm
passively arms.
Key less En try in Valet Mode
— Allows you to control your door locks
or activate an optional accessory while in valet mode (may require
optional relays).
Chan nel 2 Ac ces sory Out put
— Allows you to add a remote
controlled optional accessory such as a remote engine starter, window
roll-up, trunk release or fuel filler door release.
Alarm State Mem ory
— Automatically returns your system to its last
state if the battery is disconnected and later reconnected.
$1,500 Theft Pro tec tion Guar an tee
— We will reimburse up to
$1,500 of your insurance deductible if your vehicle is stolen and not
recovered (see the enclosed guarantee card for details).
/AMX 68/AT-58 Owner's Manual 12/29/97