Nor-Lake Flammable Storage Refrigerators & Freezers User Manual
Nor-Lake Refrigerators

Installation, Operation and
Maintenance Instructions
When the equipment is received, all items should be carefully checked against the bill of lading to
insure all crates and cartons have been received. All units should be inspected for concealed
damage by uncrating the units immediately. If any damage is found, it should be reported to the
carrier immediately, and a claim should be filed with the carrier. This equipment has been
inspected and tested in the Manufacturing Facility and has been crated in accordance with
transportation rules and guidelines. Manufacturer is not responsible for freight loss or damage.
Observe all warning labels and be sure that during installation and servicing of the unit that the
power is disconnected to avoid electrical shocks and injury. Store all flammable materials in
agency approved or listed storage containers. The contents of this cabinet are flammable,
keep fire away. These Flammable Storage Cabinets are intended for use in areas and
laboratories classified by NFPA or other agencies, having jurisdiction, as Class C or D. These
cabinets are not to be used in NFPA Class I locations.
If for some reason the doors are not squared up on the cabinet, the doors can be adjusted.
Opening the door(s) and loosening the screws that hold both the top and bottom hinges to the
cabinet can accomplish this. After adjusting the door so that it is aligned correctly, tighten the
screws to securely hold the hinges in place.
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