Rss media feed settings – Sony NWZ-S615FSLV User Manual

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RSS Media Feed Settings

To edit feed settings, click the



at the top of the Media Manager for WALKMAN window, and

then click the

RSS Media Feed

button on the left side of the window.



Automatically ref resh f eeds

C hoos e a s etting from the drop-down lis t to indic ate how often you want the s oftware to
look for updated



Allow explicit content

Selec t this c hec k box if you want to be able to view and s ubs c ribe to


that c ontain

explic it c ontent. I f the c hec k box is c leared, you will not be able to

s ubs c ribe

to explic it

feeds .

I f individual epis odes ' c ontain explic it c ontent, thos e epis odes ' des c riptions will not be

dis played

in the P C pane when the Allow explicit content c hec k box is c leared.

I f you want to prevent other us ers from c hanging rating res tric tions , c lic k the Lock button.
T he P arental Loc k dialog is dis played s o you c an s pec ify a pas s word that will be required
to c hange the Allow explicit content s etting.

Location f or f iles
downloaded f rom f eeds

T ype a path in the box or c lic k the Browse button to c hoos e the folder where you want to
s ave files from



A udio files will be s aved in ..\My Music\RSS Media\\ s ubfolders under the
s elec ted folder (..\Music\RSS Media\\ in Windows V is ta).

V ideo files will be s aved in ..\My Videos\RSS Media\\ s ubfolders under the
s elec ted folder (..\Videos\RSS Media\\ in Windows V is ta).

Still-image feeds are s tored in ..\My Pictures\RSS Media\\ s ubfolders under
the s elec ted folder (..\Pictures\RSS Media\\ in Windows V is ta).

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