Caution – Samlex America SAM-3000-12 User Manual
Page 17

noteS for taBLe 4.3
1. Power shown in the Table above is the Apparent Power in Volt Amps (VA). Active Power in Watts = Ap-
parent Power in VA x Power Factor of the AC load. For resistive type of AC loads, the Power Factor is 1
and for these types of loads, Apparent Power in “VA” = Active Power in “Watts”. Power ratings shown in
the Specifications on page 24 are applicable for Resistive Load and hence, Watts = VA
2. Each NEMA5-15R outlet is rated at maximum current capacity of 15A and power of 1725VA at 115VAC
3. CAUTION! For SAM-2000-12 and SAM-3000-12, the full rated power cannot be drawn from 1 NEMA5-15R
outlet as each outlet is rated for only 15A (1725VA) and is protected by 15A breaker. If a single load rated
at > 1725VA is required to be powered, output from 2 NEMA5-15 outlets should be paralleled and then
fed to this load. If a load > 1725VA / 15A is powered from a single breaker protected NEMA5-15R outlet,
its 15A breaker will trip (pops out) and will have to be reset manually (pushed in).
1. Do not connect to AC distribution wiring where the Neutral is bonded to Ground.
The inverter will see this as abnormal condition of Ground Fault and will shut down.
2. The AC output from this inverter should not be connected in parallel with another
AC source like grid / generator / another inverter - SeVere DamaGe WiLL occur!
3. If the AC output from this inverter is required to be fed to an AC Distribution Panel /
Sub Panel for backup AC power, a suitable Transfer Switch like Samlex America
Transfer Switch Model No. STS-30 should be used. The Transfer Switch will prevent
parallel operation of AC output of this inverter with the other AC source.
Sizing chart for typical Loads that require High Starting Surge
The manufacturers’ specifications for power rating of appliances and devices indicate only
the Running Power required. The Surge Power required by some specific types of devices
as explained above has to be determined by actual testing or by checking with the manu-
facturer. This may not be possible in all cases and hence, can be guessed at best, based on
some general Rules of Thumb.
Table 4.4 lists some common loads that require high surge power on start up. A “Siz-
ing Factor” has been recommended against each which is a Multiplication Factor to be
applied to the rated running Watt rating of the load to arrive at the Continuous Power
Rating of the inverter (multiply the running Watts of the device/ appliance by the Sizing
factor to arrive at the size of the inverter).
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