iPazzPort KP-810-10 User Manual

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Safety Precautions

Safety Matters

To avo id in jur y,de at h of per son ne l or da mag e to gh e equ ipme nt th e ope rat or mus t

re fer to th e exp lan at ion s in thi s Use r’s Man ua l.

Bat ter y: Th er ei s a li thi um- ion rec ha rgea bl e bat ter y in thi s dev ice .Don ’t wat er th is dev ice ,

or pu t it in a humi d env iron men t for a lo ng time or th e dev ice wi ll be da mag ed

Attention to traffic safety

(CAR PC): Do not use the deivce while driving.When you want to use it,please

park your car

Turn off this device on planes

This Electronic wireless product can disturb the communications system of


Please turn it off before boarding.

In Vicinity of dangerous goods to be shut down

In gas station and close to fuel and chemical agents and other hazardous

materials areas,please turn the device off

Turn off this devoce in hospital

Please turn the device off in areas with “no wireless device”indication

wireless devices may interfere with implanted cardiac pacemakers,hearing aids and
