ARRI ARRIFLEX 435 User Manual
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System Guide
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A lens and camera control system as modular and flexible as the ARRI Wireless Remote System necessarily
consists of many individual parts. This guide is designed so you can easily navigate those parts and get an over-
view of what is available and how the system can be configured. For clarities sake, we have divided the indivi-
dual parts of the system into the following categories. Please note that many of the smaller accessories are not
listed separately on this page. A full listing can be found in the Compatibility Table at the end of this guide.
Hand Radios
These are held in the hand of the assistant and are responsible for creating the radio link to the camera radio.
The technical name for the hand radios is “Wireless Main Units”. The Wireless Remote System includes the
Wireless Main Units WMU-1, WMU-2 and WMU-3.
Handgrip Attachments
Handgrip attachments can be used instead of hand radios when a cable connection is preferred. The Wireless
Remote System includes the Wired Handgrip Attachments WHA-1, WHA-2 and WHA-3.
Hand Controllers
These attach to the hand radios or handgrip attachments, and control or display aspects of the lens and camera.
They may control focus, zoom or iris, they may control speed ramps or display lens information. Hand con-
trollers for lens control include the Wireless Focus Units WFU-1 and WFU-2, plus the Wireless Zoom Units
WZU-1 and WZU-3. The Wireless Remote Control WRC-1 is a hand controller for complete camera remote
control, and the Lens Data Display for Focus Puller LDD-FP can accurately display lens and camera status.
Camera Radios
Camera radios are attached to the camera and communicate with the hand radios. Camera radios include the
Universal Radio Module URM-1, URM-2 and URM-3. Camera radios are also part of the Lens Data Boxes
LDB and LDB-2 for ARRICAM Studio and Lite.
Motor Controllers
Motor controllers contain the electronics to drive the lens motors. In the case of the ARRICAM Lens Data
Boxes, both motor controller and camera radio are combined into one unit. Motor controllers include the
Universal Motor Controller UMC-1 and the Functional Expansion Module FEM-2, plus the Lens Data Boxes
LDB and LDB-2 for ARRICAM Studio and Lite.
Lens Motors
Lens Motors connect to the motor controllers, and physically move the lens rings. The Wireless Remote System
includes the Controlled Lens Motors CLM-1 and CLM-2.
Camera Radio
Motor Controller
Hand Radio
Hand Controller
Lens Motor