VariZoom VZCS1LK User Manual
Page 3

Connecting the Cables
Connect the locking 4-pin control cable to the 4-pin motor cord at the
base of the MC100.
Connect the other end of the 4-pin control cable to the
MC100 Control Unit at the locking 4-pin connector.
The additional 3-pin port located beneath the motor cable port
will provide 24VDC output.
Connect the 4-pin XLR power cable from the AC adapter to the
4-pin XLR power connector located on the MC100 Control Unit.
The joystick controls camera movement in a fashion similar to airplane
controls. Joystick Forward: camera points down; Joystick Backward:
camera points up; Joystick Left: camera points to the left; Joystick Right:
camera points to the right.
*NOTE: The UP/DOWN joystick directions will depend on how the
camera is mounted
– you can reverse the UP/DOWN by turning the
camera 180 degrees to face the opposite direction. For normal operation,
mount the camera so that the left side (viewfinder/LCD panel side) faces
out away from the rotating arm.
Overslung/Underslung Operation
When switching between overslung and underslung, the
left-right (pan) response of the joystick will be flipped. The
toggle switch on the control box allows you to reverse the
left-right response of the joystick. The up/down (tilt)
response of the joystick is not affected by the toggle
switch, as the tilt direction does not change when you go
from overslung to under
slung. If you don’t like the tilt
direction response from the joystick, you simply need to
mount the camera in the opposite direction on the platform
(flip 180 degrees).