ididit Electrical: Dimmer/Wiper Momentary Switching User Manual
ididit For the car

The function of the momentary switch module is to switch power between Relay 1 and Relay 2 by activation of a ground
trigger on the module gray wire. each individual ground trigger switches the relay ground on the relays and subsequently
switches the power output from one relay to the other. Special features of the module are as follows:
1. The module uses a separate power relay for each of the two output circuits.
2. Where the module is used for high and low beam headlight control, the module takes the place of a traditional floor
or column mounted dimmer switch and can be mounted high up under the dash to clear up the floor area. The module
senses whether the headlights are on or off by use of the power output wire from the head light switch. When the head-
lights are on, each push of the momentary button switches between the high and low beam circuit by use of a separate
power relay. When the headlight switch is turned off, the module automatically resets to the low beam position.
3. Where the module is used for high and low beam headlight control and the power output wire is without a power signal
( i.e. the headlight switch is off ), a “flash to pass” function exists by pushing and holding the momentary button. In this
case the high beam relay is activated and the high beam lights will stay on for as long as the momentary button stays
depressed. When released, the high beams will go off. This “flash to pass” function only exists when the headlight switch
is off.
Important circuit description options:
The following diagrams show several options for installation of the module. It is important that you study each scenerio
and select the one that fits your individual installation requirement.
Diagram 1A. Installation of the switching module on a typical dual headlight system using the 12 volt power input to
the headlight switch. This is the most common connection as there is already a main 12 volt power input to the headlight
switch. Typically the main power input to the headlight switch comes directly from the fuse box. All lighting is connected
to the headlight switch output which, in the case of a GM type headlight switch, was protected by the internal 28 amp
breaker. The “flash to pass” module option requires a 12 volt input when the headlight switch is off. Thererfore a direct
12 volt battery connection to the high beam relay is necessary. This can be accomplished by connecting to the headlight
switch power input. However, this circuit is not protected by the headlight switch internal circuit breaker. Therefore, a
separate circuit breaker is required to protect the high beam relay power input circuit.
Diagram 1B. Installation of the switching module on a typical dual headlight system using a separate 12 volt power
source for the high beam relay. This is the same situation as described in Diagram 1A. If you have an available 12 volt
power circuit, this connection can be used. A separate circuit breaker is still required to protect the high beam relay power
input circuit.
Momentary Switching Module Installation Instructions
ididit inc. 610 S. Maumee St. 49286 Tecumseh, MI. PH: 517-424-0577 FAX: 517-424-7293