Main instructions – Abit AMD ATHLON KV8 PRO User Manual

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Troubleshooting (Need Assistance?)


Main instructions:

To fill in this “Technical Support Form”, refer to the step-by-step instructions given below:




Note the model number given in your user’s manual.

Example: KV8 Pro



. Motherboard model number (REV): Note the motherboard model number labeled on the

motherboard as “REV:*.**”.

Example: REV: 1.01



. BIOS ID and Part Number: See the on screen message.



Note the driver

version number indicated on the
DEVICE DRIVER disk (if any) as
“Release *.**”. For example:




Indicate the

operating system and applications
you are running on the system.

Example: MS-DOS





98 SE, Windows


2000, etc....



. CPU:

Indicate the brand and the speed (MHz) of your CPU.

Example:(A) In the “Brand” space, write “Intel”; in the “Specifications” space, write “Pentium




7. HDD:

Indicate the brand and specifications of your HDD(s); specify if the HDD is using IDE1 or

IDE2. If you know the disk capacity, indicate it and check (“ ”) “

”; in case you give no

indication, we will consider that your HDD is “ IDE1” Master.

Example: In the “HDD” space, check the box; in the Brand space, write “Seagate”; in the
Specifications space, write “ST31621A (1.6GB)”.


Drive: Indicate the brand and specifications of your CD-ROM drive. Specify if it uses

IDE1 or IDE2

and check (“ ”) “ ”; in case you give no indication, we will consider that your

CD-ROM is “ IDE2” Master.

Example: In the “CD-ROM drive” space, check the box, in the Brand space, write “Mitsumi”, in the
Specifications space, write “FX-400D”.

9. System Memory (DDR SDRAM): Indicate the brand and specifications (DDR DIMM) of your

system memory. Such as Density, Description, Module Components, Module Part Number, CAS
Latency, and Speed (MHz).

For example: In the Brand space, write “Micron”; in the Specifications space, write: Density:
128MB, Description: SS 16 Megx72 2.5V ECC Gold, Module Components: (9) 16 Megx 8,
Module Part Number: MT9VDDT1672AG, CAS Latency: 2, Speed (MHz): 200 MHz.

Please give us the detailed information of your DDR SDRAM module; it will help us to simulate the
problems you met.

10. ADD-ON CARD: Indicate which add-on cards you are

absolutely sure are related to the problem.

If you cannot identify the problem’s origin, indicate all the add-on cards inserted into your system.

NOTE: Items between the “*” are absolutely necessary.

User’s Manual