Overload interrupt (oli)

© 2011 Warn Industries, Inc. WARN® and the WARN logo are registered trademarks of Warn Industries, Inc. PATENT PENDING.
Overload Interrupt (OLI)
Guard against winch or hoist overload with digital technology
Warn Industries, Inc. 12900 S.E. Capps Road, Clackamas, OR USA 97015-8903 • www.warn.com
Customer Service (North America):
1-800-543-9276 International Sales Support: +1 503 722 1200
Digital technology designed to limit a winch’s maximum pulling power in
the case of overload or low-voltage situations
Current Range: 15-550 Amps
Supply Voltage: 8.5-32 VDC
Overload Interrupt Precision: +/- 10%
Operating Temperature: -40 to 70 deg C
Standards Compliance:
CE Electromagnetic Compatibility 2004/108/EC
Sealing: IP67
• LED display provides motor current feedback
• Sealed against damage caused by moisture and chemicals
• For use with all WARN Industrial electric winches, 12- and
24-volt compatible
• Factory programmed to customer specifications. Can be reprogrammed
to a new set point in the field by trained factory representatives
pn 85768 (Series winch retrofit kit)
pn 86727 (PC-compatible hardware for field programming)