Multichannel Systems NeuroExplorer User Manual
Page 23

Timestamped data can be pasted directly into the NeuroExplorer data table. To paste the following
two timestamped variables (BarPress and Reward) from a spreadsheet to NeuroExplorer:
In Excel:
Using the mouse, select the cell range with both variables (A1 to B5)
Select Edit | Copy menu command
In NeuroExplorer:
Select Data view of the file in NeuroExplorer
Select the Timestamps tab of the Data view
Scroll the timestamps window to the right and select the topmost cell of the empty column:
Select Edit | Paste menu command. NeuroExplorer will create two new Event variables and add
them to the file. You need to save the file (use File | Save or File | SaveAs menu command) to make
this change permanent.
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