Air Oasis 9 User Manual

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The air you breathe is filled with thousands of particles of air pollution. Some of the

pollutants like dust and lint are large enough to be visible to the naked eye, but pol-

lutants such as pollen, smoke, germs, bacteria, etc., are microscopic in size. Your

Air Oasis™ Induct ACT™ air purifier has been designed to destroy these invisible

pollutants and provide your home or place of work with the luxury of clean air.

The AHPCO™ Cell is designed to help eliminate sick building syndrome risks by

reducing airborne microbes, contaminants, VOCs and odors, with our advanced

AHPCO process. The AHPCO Cell is contained within the Induct ACT™ unit. When

the Earth Care system is in operation the AHPCO Cell uses an Advanced Hydrated

Photocatalytic Oxidation process to reduce airborne contaminants.

Why use Hydrated Photocatalytic Oxidation?

Germicidal UV light rays have been used for decades by the medical industry as

a method for destroying micro-organisms (germs, viruses, bacteria). Germicidal

UV light is effective in reducing airborne micro-organisms that pass through the

light rays. However, germicidal UV light has little to no effect on gases, vapors or


Ozone, on the other hand, is very effective on gases, vapors, VOCs and odors.

However, too much ozone can be a health hazard, and traditional methods of

producing ozone (i.e. corona discharge) have maintenance problems and create

nitric acid and nitric oxides which can cause damage to the respiratory system.

The combination of ozone (O


) and UV light, in the presence of our patent-pend-

ing quad-nano Xtreme™ catalyst, creates the Advanced Oxidation reaction. This

advanced reaction chamber creates ozone gas and destroys it within the same

chamber by converting it to friendly oxidizers. This oxidation further attacks the

micro-organisms as well as significantly reducing odors and VOCs. By engineering

the proper light wavelengths in the dual function AHPCO Cell, we have effectively

designed a system that will not exceed the recommended Federal Safety Limits

for ozone (.04 ppm) in an occupied room, while still providing reductions in odors

and microbials.

With the

Earth Care AHPCO Cell, many gases and odors are abated, micro-

organism reductions can be as much as 99%, and the room will have safe, low

ozone levels no greater than forest air, (.01 - .02 ppm) or air after a thunderstorm,

which gives the room fresh, clean odor-free air.




UV lamp may be hot and could

cause serious burns if not handled

properly. Please wait until AHPCO

Cell has cooled to room tempera-

ture to remove from unit.

Step 3

Remove three (3) wing-nuts secur-

ing the AHPCO Cell in place. Then

slide the AHPCO Cell up and out of

the unit.

AHPCO™ Cell contains Hg (Mer-

cury) and should be disposed of

according to disposal laws. Find

disposal centers at www.earth911.


Step 4

Reverse steps 1-3 to set new AHPCO Cell in place. Be sure to place the

exposed tip of the fiber optic cord between the first rings of the new AHPCO

Cell and in close proximity to the UV lamp. This will ensure the indicator

light functions properly.

Replacement Date Reminder

The AHPCO™ Cell should be replaced every three years.

3 Years Date:

6 Years Date:

9 Years Date:

Hg lamp contains mercury. Manage in accord with disposal laws.

Find disposal centers at