Front panel, Rear panel – B&K Precision MDL Series - Datasheet User Manual

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Front panel

Modular Programmable DC Electronic Load

MDL Series

Rear panel

Main frame
functi on keys

Nume ric

P ower
swi tch

Bright VFD display

M ai nframe

Adjustmen t knob

Module pane l keys

M odules

LAN int erface

Mo dul e remote sense , digi tal I/O, and an alo g curre nt co ntrol t erminal

Load input t ermi nals

RS- 232 in terface

GP IB i nte rface

M ai nframe
t rig ger I/O and
synchroni zati on
on /of f cont ro l

M ai nframe
e xt ensi on
con necto r

M odule
mon itorin g
t ermi nal

USB i nte rf ace