atwood EDWIN RV Entry Door Window User Manual
Edwin installation guide

EDWIN Installation Guide
Installing the Entry Door Window (a.k.a. EDWIN) in your RV is easier than you might
think. First timers should plan on 30-45 minutes to complete the EDWIN installation.
To make this as easy as possible, we have provided step-by-step instructions for this
Do-it-yourself project.
Tools needed. Your new Atwood EDWIN window is shipped with
all the parts you need for a complete installation: Window and
Frame, Interior Trim Ring, Screws and Flange Seal Tape. The only
tool you will need is a Screw Gun and Putty Knife.
Step 1. Remove the old door window.
Remove all the screws around the perimeter of the old
door window frame from inside the vehicle. There will be
approximately 16 screws . (See photo A)
Once all screws are removed, the inner trim ring can be set
aside and the window can now be pushed out of its open-
ing (See photo B). It is recommended that a second person
stand outside with a hand lightly on the window to pre-
vent the window from falling to the ground.
If the window is still firmly in place after all screws are re-
moved, you can break the seal by sliding a thin putty knife
under the exterior of the window flange and work your
way around the window until loose. (See photo C)
Once the old window is successfully removed, carefully re-
move any remaining sealant or tape that is stuck to the
outside wall at the window opening.