STM SatLink 2910 Mobile VSAT User Manual

Satlink 2910 mobile, High performance mobile vsat indoor unit, Features & benefits

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The SatLink 2910 Mobile VSAT provides the advanced
capabilities required for land, sea, and aerospace
deployments, including global roaming with access to 10
different beams for continuous two-way satellite
communications. Internet access, Voice over IP, GSM over
IP, and video conferencing are common applications of its
powerful mobile features.

The SatLink 2910 VSAT is a member of a family of SatLink products and systems from STM
enabling scalable, high-availability DVB-RCS & DVB-RCS2 networks including: VSATs, Hubs,
and Hub components, with value-added options for advanced data, voice, and video
networking via satellite. STM is the technology and market leader in DVB-RCS & DVB-RCS2
satellite networks delivering superior performance for telecom service providers, ISPs,
governments, and enterprises around the world. STM also offers integration, installation, 24x7
global support, and managed network services.

SatLink 2910 Mobile

High Performance Mobile VSAT Indoor Unit

The SatLink 2910 delivers the highest IP throughput at
150 Mbps (Tx & Rx combined) and the highest spectral

efficiency of any TDM/TDMA VSAT. It also matches or
exceeds most SCPC modems. When using Bandwidth-
on-Demand it yields much higher total efficiency gains.

Best IP Throughput & Total Efficiency

Features & Benefits

Can use either AC or 24 VDC power feed. Internal
power to drive BUCs up to ~8 Watts. Automatic power

control from the hub simplifies installation and optimizes
operation and bandwidth use.

Power Options and BUC Power

Secures all user IP traffic transparently, with support for
traffic key per VSAT Group and automatic key updates.

AES-256 Encryption Built-in

SatLink delivers TCP and HTTP acceleration, secure
VPNs, NAT, and VLAN options, as well as a built-in

DHCP server and both unicast and multicast IP routing.

Comprehensive IP Networking Features

All management & control processes are engineered
for large networks, with automatic software updates

via multicast, efficient statistics collection, and fast,
easy network-wide reconfigurations, without site visits.

Scalable Management & Control

SatLink allows operators (and VNOs) to set up different
virtual capacity pools (with max and min rates) for

each QoS class used by each of a number of VSAT
Groups. This give operators more flexibility & control on
the service tiers they can offer. SatLink’s advanced
QoS features enable all data and media types to use
bandwidth-on-demand while key quality metrics, such
as jitter, delay, and throughput, are held within bounds
set for each VSAT Group and each individual VSAT.

VSAT Groups, Traffic Engineering, and QoS

Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM) is performed
on DVB-S2 forward links and RCS2 return links (per burst),

enabling maximum two-way link availability. ACM is
integrated with SatLink’s QoS & Traffic Engineering so
key customer service levels can be met during fades.

ACM on Forward & Return Links

Bandwidth Efficiency at Many Levels

With its high-order modulation options, 16-state Turbo
Code FECs, ACM, header compression, burst size opti-

mization, & intelligent capacity request algorithms, the
2910 delivers highly efficient broadband applications.

The SatLink 2910 Mobile VSAT can store parameters for
up to 20 Forward Links, enabling it to move seamlessly

between beams. The software is specially adapted for
the constant roll and pitch of the seas making it less
susceptible to outages, and the unit is equipped with a
GPS interface for fast, automatic logon and synchroni-
zation. Optional transmit inhibit switch prevents inad-
vertent transmissions outside of authorized areas. Mesh
networking option available for direct communications
between mobile installations.

Adapted to Mobile Environment

Software for automatic beam switching is included for
interfacing with leading maritime & land mobile

antennas via IP.

Automatic Beam Switching