GE SECURITY Concord User Manual

Page 12

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Exit Delay beeps indicate that an arming command has been entered and the countdown to
arming has begun.

Entry Delay beeps indicate that you’ve entered the building and the countdown to an alarm
has begun. (So disarm the system as soon as you get in!)

Chime feature beeps tell you that a door was opened or closed.

Protest beeps inform you that you’re trying to arm the system while there is an open door or

Trouble beeps tell you that there is a problem with the system or one of its components.

Sensor test beeps are the sounds the system makes during a sensor test to indicate that a sen-
sor was tested properly.

Status beeps are described in more detail throughout the manual and in the “Appendix A: User


Fixed display touchpads have 2 LEDs which allow you to determine the current system status at
a glance. The red LED is labeled Armed and the green LED is labeled Ready. The table below
explains LED behavior.

Notification by Pager

Your system can dial the phone numbers of five different pagers to notify pager holders of events
they may want to be aware of. Some of the events include:

System disarming

System arming

Trouble conditions

Alarm conditions

For more information, see “Notification By Pager”.

What Happens in an Alarm Condition

When there is an alarm condition, four things happen all at once:

Speakers and touchpads emit emergency tones.

System lights flash.


Your system may or may not
be monitored. If it is not
monitored, no central sta-
tion report will be made.

Panel notifies the central station for help.

Pagers are notified of the event.

Fire and Smoke Alarms

If your system contains smoke and fire detectors, it monitors the premises for smoke and fire
alarms 24 hours a day in all arming levels.

Most alarms can be canceled or aborted (fire alarms CANNOT be aborted) and are always
reported to the central station. Since many communities charge for dispatching the fire depart-
ment in error, your dealer may give you specific instructions to follow in the event of an acciden-
tal smoke or fire alarm. Record these instructions in Appendix A: User Sheets under “Accidental
Smoke and Fire Alarms”.

System Status

Red Armed LED

Green Ready LED

Exit Delay


Armed to Level 1-Off



Armed to Level 2—Stay or 3—Away


Entry Delay



System Trouble (check system status)/Protest


System OK
