2 four-port hsu card jumper/switch settings, Features of the f – Zhone Technologies 900 User Manual

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IMACS System Release 5.1.6

Data Cards

Model No.

Running Head

HSU Cards

HSU Card


If used in a system using a T1 “Line Code” other than “B8ZS,” HSU card
ports assigned to multirate circuits greater than or equal to 4 or more
consecutive time slots at 64kbps must have DTE connected to the port prior to
activation. Failure to attach DTE will cause a false carrier alarm.

Features of the Four-Port HSU*4E 530/35 Card (821660)

This enhanced HSU card is a derivative of the 821570 card, with better clock performance and
a true V.35 interface. The functionality of the 821660 will be the same as the 821570 except
for the addition of a receiver clock invert option.

The 8216xx can be used in any DDS application where the circuit has many timeslots (>24).
The enhanced clock jitter provides better tail-circuit performance. Additionally, the transmit
and receive clock edges can be individually selected (refer to Tx and Rx CLOCK PLRTY
descriptions later in this chapter).

Four-Port HSU Card Jumper/Switch Settings

The four-port HSU*4E 530/35 SS Card has a dip switch that must be set for the proper type
of interface (either RS-530 or V.35) on ports 1 through 4 of the card. Figure 1-5 shows the dip
switch, which are factory-set for RS-530 operation on both ports. To change a port for V.35
operation, reset its associated switch as shown.

Ports can be set individually for either RS530 or V.35 operation, but once set, they remain in
that mode until the slide switches are reset.