WatchGuard Technologies FireboxTM System 4.6 User Manual

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User Guide


WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.
Firebox System Software
End-User License Agreement

WatchGuard Firebox System (WFS) End-User License Agreement


This WFS End-User License Agreement (“AGREEMENT”) is a legal agreement between you (either
an individual or a single entity) and WatchGuard Technologies, Inc. (“WATCHGUARD”)for the
WATCHGUARD WFS software product identified above, which includes computer software and may
include associated media, printed materials, and on-line or electronic documentation (“SOFTWARE
PRODUCT”). WATCHGUARD is willing to license the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to you only on the
condition that you accept all of the terms contained in this Agreement. Please read this Agreement
carefully. By installing or using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT you agree to be bound by the terms of
this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this AGREEMENT, WATCHGUARD will not
license the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to you, and you will not have any rights in the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT. In that case, promptly return the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, along with proof of payment,
to the authorized dealer from whom you obtained the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for a full refund of the
price you paid.


Ownership and License. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and

international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. This is a
license agreement and NOT an agreement for sale. All title and copyrights in and to the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video,
audio, music, text, and applets incorporated into the SOFTWARE PRODUCT), the accompanying
printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are owned by WATCHGUARD or
its suppliers. Your rights to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are as specified in this AGREEMENT,
and WATCHGUARD retains all rights not expressly granted to you in this AGREEMENT. Nothing
in this AGREEMENT constitutes a waiver of our rights under U.S. copyright law or any other law or


Permitted Uses. You are granted the following rights to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT:


You may install and use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on any single computer at any single

location. If you wish to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on a different computer, you must erase the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT from the first computer on which you installed it before you install it onto
a second.
(B) To use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on more than one computer at once, you must license an
additional copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for each additional computer on which you want to
use it.
(C)You may make a single copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for backup or archival purposes only.


Prohibited Uses. You may not, without express written permission from WATCHGUARD:


Use, copy, modify, merge or transfer copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or printed materials

except as provided in this AGREEMENT;

Use any backup or archival copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT(or allow someone else to use

such a copy) for any purpose other than to replace the original copy in the event it is destroyed or
becomes defective;
(C) Sublicense, lend, lease or rent the SOFTWARE PRODUCT;