Whirlwind MIX 6 User Manual
Mix 6, U.s. audio, Whirlwind

U.S. Audio
Mix 6
US Audio has made e\'erv effort to ensure that your equipment is received
Thank you for selecting the US Audio Mix 6. The Mix 6 delivers the ultimate
in the same perfect condition it was in when it left the factory. Please
in sonic performance for the most demanding professional mic and line
inspect your product for any signs of damage during shipping and report
mixing applications. Utilizing the Analog Devices 2017
a carefully
them to your dealer so that he can present a claim to the shipper. \Ve
wound toroidal power transformer, trUe star grounding, plus many other
recommend that you save your packaging material for use in the unlikely
design features, the Mix 6 has a working signal to noise ratio (S/N) of 92db
event that you need to return your equipment for service.
with 22dB headroom at unity gain! At 40dB of gain the Mix 6 holds a working
S/N of 85dB making it ideally suited for production with digital recording
media. The Mix 6 can provide up to 76dB of gain, with a professional quality
signal to noise ratio and still have 10 to 15dB of headroom. Other features
include 2 stereo aux inputs, one of which can be used as a separate monitor
input, a stereo peak limiter, low cut filters and a headphone circuit. \Vith a full
complement of hook-up hardware, the Mix 6 is capable of handling any
configuration of line or mic level signals as well as any combination of
balanced or unbalanced XLR and 1/4” connectors.