Netopia 6161210-00-01 User Manual

Page 15

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802.1x Setting


TTLS: Tunneled Transpor t Layer Security. This security method provides for cer tificate-
based, mutual authentication of the client and network through an encr ypted channel.
Unlike EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS requires only ser ver-side cer tificates.


LEAP: Light Extensible Authentication Protocol. It is an EAP authentication type used pri-
marily in Cisco Aironet WLANs. It encr ypts data transmissions using dynamically gener-
ated WEP keys, and suppor ts mutual authentication.


MD5-Challenge: Message Digest Challenge. Challenge is an EAP authentication type
that provides base-level EAP suppor t. It provides for only one-way authentication - there
is no mutual authentication of wireless client and the network.

Identity and Password: Identity and password for the ser ver.

Use Client Cer tificate: Client Cer tificate for ser ver authentication.

Protocol: Tunnel protocol, List information include “EAP-MSCHAP “, “EAP-MSCHAP v2”,

“CAHAP “and “MD5 “.

Tunnel Identity: Identity for a tunnel.

Tunnel Password: Password for a tunnel.