Netopia 4752 User Manual
Page 55

Voice Configuration 8-3
Select Voice Gateway and from the pop-up menu, choose the type of voice gateway device to which you will
be connected. The choices are: CopperCom, JetStream, TollBridge, TDSoft, or Zhone.
Select Ring Cadence and press Return. A pop-up menu allows you to choose between 20Hz (the default)
and 25Hz for compliance with several non-Nor th American telephone systems.
Select Port Configuration and press Return. The Por t Configuration screen appears.
Echo cancellation is set to Yes by default. For ordinar y telephone handsets, echo cancellation should be
set to Yes (turned on) to eliminate echoes on the voice line. Toggling a por t to No allows you to use a fax
machine or modem on that phone por t (since fax machines and modems automatically cancel echoes). If
you want to disable echo cancellation, toggle this item to No.
Voice Configuration
Voice Gateway... CopperCom
Ring Cadence... 20 Hz
Port Configuration...
Voice Coding... mu-law
Port Configuration
Port 1 Echo Cancellation Enabled: Yes
Compression is G726 - ADPCM 32K
Port 2 Echo Cancellation Enabled: Yes
Compression is G726 - ADPCM 32K
Port 3 Echo Cancellation Enabled: Yes
Compression is G726 - ADPCM 32K
Port 4 Echo Cancellation Enabled: Yes
Compression is G726 - ADPCM 32K
Port 5 Echo Cancellation Enabled: Yes
Compression is G726 - ADPCM 32K
Port 6 Echo Cancellation Enabled: Yes
Compression is G726 - ADPCM 32K
Port 7 Echo Cancellation Enabled: Yes
Compression is G726 - ADPCM 32K
Port 8 Echo Cancellation Enabled: Yes
Compression is G726 - ADPCM 32K