Setup guide – PS Audio PD 3.5 User Manual
Page 3

Setup Guide
Place the Power Director 3.5 in a rack or on
a shelf in an Audio/Video system. The Power
Director 3.5 produces no heat, so placement of
the Director is a simple matter of preference.
It is safe to stack equipment up to a total of 20
pounds on top of the Director.
Plug in the equipment to be powered by the
Director. There are three electrically isolated
zones on the Power Director 3.5. Suggestions
have been made on the rear panel as to how
the equipment might be grouped together, but
since each zone is identical (except for the
number of outlets) components can be placed
in the most convenient combination.
For optimum performance, it is recommend that
analog equipment (stereo preamps, tuner, tape
deck, etc.) be grouped separately from digital
equipment (AV preamps, CD/DVD players, D
to A converters, etc.). Items with high power
consumption (power amps, A/V receivers, pro-
jection T.V.’s etc.) should each use a separate
zone if possible.
Set the power mode for each of the three
zones with the rear panel switches. On the far
left side of the rear panel of the Power Director
3.5, there are three separate slide switches.
Each switch represents one of the Director’s
three zones and each switch has three-posi-
tions. The available settings are:
• Always On [ON] - With the switch in the ON
position, the zone will receive power as soon as
the Power Director 3.5 is plugged into a power
source. Power will continue to pass through
this zone even if the Director is switched off
(standby mode).
• Switched [SW] - In the SW position, the
zone will receive power as soon as the Power
Director is switched on (operate mode). No
power will pass to this zone when the Director
is in standby mode.
• Delayed [DL] - In the DL position, the zone will
activate three seconds after the Power Director
is in operate mode. No power will pass to this
zone when the Director is in standby mode.
Use the coaxial pass through to protect and
provide surge/spike protection to any CATV,
Satellite, or external antenna lines. There is
one coaxial pass through on the rear panel of
the Power Director 3.5. The pass through will
deliver the full bandwidth of HDTV signals.
Plug the Power Director 3.5 into a power
source. Use the supplied AC power cable, or an
aftermarket power cable. For optimum results
we recommend the use of a PS Audio xStream
Power cable.
Turn on the Power Director 3.5 by pressing
the power button located on the left side of the
front panel.
The three zones of Power Director 3.5 will come
on according to the settings of the rear panel
slide switches.
Note: surge protection will be provided at all
times for all connected equipment regardless of
power mode setting.
Use with PS Audio Power Plants
The Power Director 3.5 can be used in conjunc-
tion with any of the PS Audio Power Plants or
other PS Audio power devices. The Power Plant
can either be used at the output of one of the
zones or to provide power to the Power Director
3.5. This can be helpful in large systems in
order to extend the number of outlets and isola-
tion benefits to more components.
When used at the output of the Power Director
the Power Plant will provide isolation and
additional cleansing to any product powered
by it. This will also allow the Power Plant to be
switched on with the Director.
When plugging the Power Director into the
output of a Power Plant ensure that the rated
capacity of the power plant is adequate to sup-
ply all of the components powered by the Power