Proctor-Silex Ice Shaver User Manual
Page 4

Freeze soda, fruit juice, or other beverage. Shave frozen bever-
age into a glass, then fill glass with more of the same beverage.
Ice Milk Milkshake
Freeze plain or chocolate milk. Shave frozen milk into a glass
then fill glass with more milk.
Rootbeer Float Snow Cone
Freeze rootbeer. Shave rootbeer into a cone or bowl. Drizzle
half-and-half cream over shaved rootbeer.
Piña Colada
Stir 2 tablespoons coconut into
cup pineapple juice then
freeze. Shave into cone or bowl.
Lemonade Sorbet
Freeze lemonade. Shave into a bowl and drizzle with addi-
tional lemonade.
Coffee Granita
Freeze 1 cup brewed coffee sweetened with 1 to 2 tablespoons
sugar. Shave into cup or bowl.
Orange Cow
Freeze orange juice. Shave juice into glass. Fill glass with milk.
Frozen Yogurt Banana Berry Smoothie
Freeze 6 to 8 ounces strawberry yogurt. Shave frozen yogurt
into a bowl. Place the following in blender and blend until
smooth: shaved frozen yogurt,
cup milk,
Crunchy Apple Smoothie
cup apple juice. Shave apple juice into a bowl.
Place the following in blender and blend until smooth: shaved
apple juice, 6 to 8 ounces vanilla yogurt, 1 tablespoon wheat
germ, sprinkle of cinnamon.
Classic Soft Drink Slushie
Shave ice in a glass and add your favorite soda.
Lemonade Slushie
Shave ice in a glass and add lemonade.
Fresh Fruit Treats
Freeze sliced fresh fruit in fruit juice. Such as apples in apple
juice, oranges in orange juice, bananas in pineapple juice.
Shave into a bowl or cup.
Sweet Frozen Treats
Mix then freeze powdered drink mix. Shave into a bowl and
scoop into cones.
Snow Cones
Shave regular ice then drizzle flavored syrup over the ice.
Frozen Yogurt
Mix 6 to 8-ounce container of yogurt with equal amount of
non-dairy frozen whipped topping. Freeze. Shave into a bowl
or cup.
Real Iced Tea
Freeze sweetened tea. Shave into a glass. Fill glass with
more tea.