Ping is successful – Printronix Integrated Network Interface Card User Manual
Page 145

Ping is Successful
Ping is Successful
A successful “ping” usually indicates that the z/OS system can
communicate with the printer; however, you might receive a
successful “ping” even though the IP address of the TCP/IP-
attached printer is a duplicate of another IP address.
If PSF is unable to establish a network connection with the TCP/IP-
attached printer or if PSF output for this printer prints elsewhere,
follow these steps to determine whether the IP address of the
printer is unique:
Turn the printer off.
Wait at least 5 minutes for TCP/IP to clear the Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) tables. (If your installation specified
a longer interval on the ARPAGE configuration statement in the
TCP/IP profile, you may need to wait longer. For information
about the ARPAGE statement, refer to the
Customization and Administration Guide.)
Enter the “ping” command again from the z/OS system.
NOTE: If you receive a successful response to the “ping”
command, there is a duplicate IP address. Consult your
TCP/IP network administrator.