Tips for using documents, Tips for a great meeting – PictureTel 4500 User Manual
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Tips for Using Documents
When you want to use documents during your videoconference, follow these tips:
Make sure people at all the sites have copies of the documents.
When using the document camera, use paper copies, not transparencies.
Use 16- or 18-point bold typeface in ÒlandscapeÓ mode for all documents that
youÕre placing on the document camera. (Before the meeting, let others who
are using documents know this as well.)
If youÕre recording the meeting, make sure that you focus on the document
long enough for viewers of the videotape to read whatÕs on it.
Tips for a Great Meeting
Here are a few more tips to make your meeting even more productive:
Set your camera presets before you start your call so that you can quickly
change the cameraÕs view during the call.
Make sure you have the number(s) of the site you want to call. If the site is in
the Dialing Directory, you can use the speed-dial number for the site to dial
more quickly and easily.
When adjusting your cameras during the meeting, try to Þll the screen as
much as possible with people rather than with tables, chairs, ßoors, and walls.
In a multipoint videoconference, let everyone in the meeting know when you
have chair control or directorship.
When you have chair control or directorship in a multipoint videoconference,
let everyone in the meeting know the action youÕll be taking before you take it.
For example, if you decide to switch to voice-activated mode, you should tell
all the meeting participants Þrst.
Add peripherals to your system if you need to. For example, you can use a
VCR with your system if you need to show a videotape, or you can add a
document camera if you need to show documents.