Lopi UL 1482-94 User Manual
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Fueling your pellet stove or insert has never been easier. The
entire top of the stove or insert lifts up to allow access to the
hopper. When full, your pellet appliance will provide you with
many hours of uninterrupted heating. The large capacity of the
freestanding stoves also means you don’t have to wait until the
hopper is empty before refueling with a full bag of pellets.
All Lopi pellet appliances are designed for easy maintenance.
The swing-out door allows quick access to the firebox for
cleaning and yearly maintenance.
Designed as part of the pedestal on the stoves, the huge
ash pan allows for significantly greater time between ash
removal. A simple handle above the ash pan allows
accumulated ashes to be removed from the firebox without
opening the door. The inserts are equipped with an easy
pull out ash pan located beneath the door.
Operate your pellet appliance automatically. Add a wall thermostat
or remote control thermostat for the ultimate in hands-free operation.
You simply set the thermostat to the desired temperature and the
pellet stove will do the rest. The wall thermostat is standard on all
Yankee models.
If you choose to operate your pellet appliance manually, simply set
the feed rates and push the start button to activate the auto igniter.
Within minutes your pellet appliance is in full operation.
P i o n e e r B a y
Y a n k e e B a y
I n s e r t D i m e n s i o n s
L a r g e
C a p a c i t y
H o p p e r
E a s y
A c c e s s
H u g e
A s h P a n
A u t o m a t i c
O p e r a t i o n
28-7/8”* for
8” x 10” Panels
31-7/8”* for
10” x 13” Panels
* Includes trim and the
required 3/8” gap between
the surround panels and
40-1/2” for 8” x 10” Panels
44-1/2” for 10” x 13” Panels
Center of 3” diameter flue
is 9-3/8” above the baseplate
and 5-1/8” left of center
Center of 4” diameter flue
is 16-7/8” above the baseplate
and 7-1/2” left of center
13-1/4” (Allow 14”
depth in the firebox)
Adjustable Hopper
20” to 25-3/4”
25-1/2” (Allow 36” width for
control board installation)