7 taking care of your speakerphone, 8 troubleshooting & faq – Lennox Hearth SP5050 User Manual

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Jabra JX0 Bluetooth headset

7 Taking care oF your sPeakerPhone

• always store the Jabra SP5050 with the power off and safely

protected .
• avoid storage at extreme temperatures (above 45°C/3°f – in

cluding direct sunlight – or below -0°C/4°f) . This can shorten

battery life and may affect operation . high temperatures may

also degrade performance .
• do not expose the Jabra SP5050 to rain or other liquids .

8 TroubleshooTing & FaQ

I hear crackling noises
• for the best audio quality, have your mobile phone in line of

sight of the Jabra SP5050
I cannot hear anything in my Speakerphone
• increase the volume on the Speakerphone .
• ensure that the Speakerphone is paired with the phone .
• Make sure that the phone is connected to the Speakerphone

– if it does not connect either from the phone’s Bluetooth

menu or by tapping the answer/end button, follow the pairing

procedure (See section 3) .
I have pairing problems even though my phone indicates

• you may have deleted your headset pairing connection in your

mobile phone . follow the pairing instructions in section 3 .
Will the Jabra SP5050 work with other Bluetooth equipment?
• The Jabra SP5050 is designed to work with Bluetooth mobile

phones . it can also work with other Bluetooth devices that are

compliant with Bluetooth version ., .2 or 2 .0 and support a

headset and/or handsfree profile .
I cannot use redial or voice dialling
• These functions are dependent on your phone supporting

them .
Please check you phone’s manual for further details .
My Speakerphone does not respond to any button presses
• reset you Jabra SP5050 – by gently inserting a paper clip into

the reset cavity on the back side of the device